Children's Play Areas and the Importance of Safety Rails

The design of playground rails plays an important role in providing many different types of protection within Children play areas and school facilities. From accidental falls on the playground; wandering away from the play area, and keeping a safe distance from strangers. There are many types of playground rails. One of them is the Palisade, another is Meshed Panels, and the third is Bow Top Railing. Today we hope to explain a little more about each of the main types and their different uses.



Palisade Fencing railings are known to provide complete and high security to the children with the help of the strong steel system. The installation of steel pales can be done in multiple forms. Each form has its benefits. The basic types are: triple-pointed, rounded, single-pointed and notched. The thickness of the pale starts from 2.0mm and can be up to 4.0mm. These are installed at the outer most section of the play areas. You need to choose the right set of parameters like height of pales, gate opening type and angle, distance between two consecutive pales and the static strength of pales to withstand climatic conditions. We also can powder coat our Palisade Fencing Rails to a RAL colour.

You have the choice of the height of palisade fencing depending on your specific requirement. The thickness at the W-section and D-section play imperitive roles in determining the stability of the Palisade Railings. The standard height starts from 1.8mm and ranges up to 3.0mm. Minimum w-section thickness and 2.0mm and maximum are 2.5mm. Minimum thickness of d-section is 2.5mm and maximum thickness is 3.5mm. All these factors play important role in determining the protection from external risks like intruders and stray animals. They all help in keeping the children within the restricted zones, and preventing the possibility of climbing up the fencing due to curiosity, but the thicker the bars the more privacy provided, so this depends on your needs.



This is a type of permanent site security which is mostly used in school playgrounds. The height of fencing varies from 1m to 3m.  The fencing provides complete security from vandalising, intrusion misadventure and stray animals.  This type of fencing can also be installed between the playground and other areas of the school grounds, or partitioning areas for sports play, such as for tennis courts or football pitches.

Almec's Mesh fencing has been designed to add an aesthetic appeal to our mesh fencing product range, a high performance system complete with excellent appearance. 
Almec Fencing offer a substantial range of complete Mesh panel system fencing for general boundary and demarcation purposes, as well as multi-sports facilities, commercial premises and industrial areas, through to maximum security applications for prisons and military installations.


This type of railing is useful in making the playground safe from intruders and stray animals. The additional feature is the bow top which keeps the children safe from getting their clothes caught up between the rails or getting hurt on sharp edges. The height of the fencing varies from 1.0m to 3.0m and pale thickness varies from 19mm to 265mm. Standard post size is 60.0mm and standard post centre is 2.7mm. These specifications could vary depending on the safety requirements.

Our Flexi Rail Fencing system is fully adaptable meaning no stepping is required as the panels self-rake to follow ground contours.

A full range of standard size gates are available to match any of the railing types, with a range of locking systems and self-closers if required.  Gates can also be powder coated in a contrasting colour to meet DDA and access regulations.

Available in standard vertical bar, (range of tops available), standard bow top railings and ROSPA approved ‘playspec’ bow top.

We can supply and Install Safety Railings for your Children's Play area and School across the UK from Stoke-on-Trent to Manchester to Essex, trust us to deliver and install for you regardless of your location across the UK. For more information, fill out our form and a representative from Almec will call or email you back at the earliest. 

School railings

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